A Fun Family Visit

A Fun Family Visit

January ended up being a cool and damp month so we didn’t get out too much to visit places to write about. The best part of the month the week that our daughters, Katie and Kim and granddaughter Rosie came for a visit. We absolutely love that they were able to join us even if the weather didn’t cooperate. Of course, we loved that we got to spend a week with Rosie who is so much fun at 3 years old.

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Enjoying Summer and Family in Pennsylvania

Enjoying Summer and Family in Pennsylvania

It is hard to believe that it is August already and summer is almost over. Before we start getting ready to head south for the winter, I thought I would update everyone on our summer this year. So far, it is much better than last year - at least no falls and broken bones! We have still had quite a few medical appointments mostly for annual checks and tests although Tim had cataract surgery on both eyes. Those appointments and the daily eye drop regimen has been keeping us fairly busy.

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From Sea to Shining Sea

From Sea to Shining Sea

We did it! We have completed a full cross country trip. In the past year, we saw the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico while staying in Florida and now we saw the Pacific Ocean in California. I love that our lifestyle is able to take us to so many beautiful places. When we initially planned our winter travels, we were going to spend the winter in Arizona, with 3 months in Tucson and we didn’t think we would make it to California on this trip.

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Memories of My Parents

Memories of My Parents

My parents were my inspiration for many decisions that I made in my life and the main inspiration to live the RV lifestyle. Even though they didn’t have much money, my parents always made sure that we had family vacations, often staying in cabins or my Dad’s hunting camp, usually somewhere to enjoy being out in nature.

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Passing Through PA With a Side Trip to Maryland

Passing Through PA With a Side Trip to Maryland

We spent the last month visiting our hometown, Pittsburgh, PA and enjoying our family and friends. We stayed at Mountain Top Campground again. It has become our home park while we are back in the Pittsburgh area. The location works out well for us; somewhat central to where our various family lives. One benefit to this campground are the gorgeous sunsets over the rolling hills.

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Enjoying Central Florida and Family time

Enjoying Central Florida and Family time

I know that I haven’t written a blog post in awhile, mostly because we didn’t have much new to share.. After I returned to Florida, Tim and I settled into a daily routine and didn’t tour around much. It gets that way when you stay in one place for a longer period of time. When we are moving every few days or weeks, we get excited about being in new places and spend more time touring and being in that vacation mindset. When we are at an extended stay, we tend to lose that “on vacation” feeling and spend more time at the campground.

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End of Summer 2021

End of Summer 2021

Tim and I were pretty busy our last month in Pittsburgh as summer ended and fall began. We continued to spend as much time as we could with family and friends. It was so wonderful to have that time together. We really enjoyed every visit and family gathering. I do feel bad that we didn’t get to see everyone so if we missed you this year, we will catch you the next time.

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Exciting News

Exciting News

Exciting News - we adopted a dog! Our niece, Jenny, is involved with the Leader Dog program helping to raise and train puppies for the program. If the dog doesn’t make it to become a leader dog for the blind, she gets an opportunity to adopt. If she doesn’t want to keep the dog, a family member or friend can apply to adopt. She knew that we were interested so asked us if we wanted to adopt her latest dog, Trent, if he didn’t pass the program. Having a dog would be a big change for us and could impact our travels, so we thought seriously about it. Our last dog, Chance, came from the same program and he was such a wonderful dog. It was so hard when we lost him that we weren’t sure if we wanted to get another dog. Even though it was a difficult decision, we focused on the joy and happiness a dog can bring and decided to adopt Trent if he didn’t succeed.

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Much About Nothing

Much About Nothing

For the past month, I have been struggling to find a blog topic. I felt like I didn’t have much to write about. For the most part, we are just hanging out here in Florida, enjoying the weather and not doing much of anything. It is a rainy day today, so I thought it was a good time to go through my pictures to find a topic. I realized that I have quite a few pictures and stories that I haven’t yet shared. Since we spend most of our time at the campground, I will start there.

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We arrived at Mountaintop Campground near Pittsburgh, PA on June 1st and quickly settled into life back at home. Our goal is to spend two months here visiting family and friends as well as getting in our annual doctor and dentist appointments. With Allegheny County just reopening to the green phase after we got here, we are only visiting a couple people at a time. We are trying to have those visits outside to the extent that we can. If you are familiar with Southwestern Pennsylvania, you know that we have frequent rain and storms, especially in June so outside visits are challenging. Since we still aren’t going out too much, I found myself with time to reminisce our years of camping. Hope you enjoy this post that covers camping over the past 45 years.

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