A Slice of Americana

A Slice of Americana

While staying in Batesville, IN, I felt like we got to experience all types of American life: small towns, rural areas and city life. Batesville is a small city centrally located between Cincinnati, Indianapolis and Louisville. We like to stay there at a Thousand Trails campground to visit our daughter Kim and son in law Greg who live in Cincinnati. It is a nice area and we always find plenty to do while Kim and Greg are busy working.

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Summer Updates and Fall Travels

Summer Updates and Fall Travels

I can’t believe that I haven’t written a blog post in months and I am sorry for not keeping everyone updated. Life got in the way this past summer with medical issues and work camping taking up all of my time. Thankfully, my arm is finally on the mend although it is going much more slowly than I would like.

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Camping Neighbors are the Best

Camping Neighbors are the Best

We settled in at Wright’s Orchard Station Campground near Altoona, PA for the summer and are really enjoying the campground and the area. This is a small, quiet campground with friendly people. Since we wanted a site without too many trees overhead, we are in a long, somewhat narrow pie shaped site which works well for us. There is room for the truck in front of the rig and I am able to park my car in front of the office. We have enough space for our chairs, table, and the dog cot in the patio area, with a little grassy area behind us.

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A Little Fun Along the Way

A Little Fun Along the Way

Since the last blog post was a bit depressing with all of our medical issues, I thought I needed to write one about having fun. Following Tim’s surgery, we headed back to the RV in Gettysburg. We had lost the couple of weeks that we wanted to spend touring the area so we were left with one full day before we had to leave. In the morning, we headed off to check out the battlefield with the national park visitor’s center as our first stop. There was so much to see and do in the visitor’s center that we could have spent the entire day there.

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Challenging Travel North

Challenging Travel North

I am sorry for the long time between posts. Family and medical issues have consumed our time recently and blog posts were pushed to the back burner. I probably should have named this post medical problems, medical problems and more medical problems. I think things are finally settling down so I thought I would catch you up on our lives.

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Catching Up

Catching Up

I can’t believe it has been over a month since I wrote a blog post. It feels like time just flew by since I wrote our annual Christmas letter post. We really haven’t been doing much but at the same time, we have been really busy. I guess we were busy not doing much of anything. Do you ever feel that way?

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Memories of My Parents

Memories of My Parents

My parents were my inspiration for many decisions that I made in my life and the main inspiration to live the RV lifestyle. Even though they didn’t have much money, my parents always made sure that we had family vacations, often staying in cabins or my Dad’s hunting camp, usually somewhere to enjoy being out in nature.

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Travel Days and Stormy Weather, Again!

Travel Days and Stormy Weather, Again!

After 3 weeks of travel, we arrived in Florida for the winter. Yes, that is correct, we took 3 weeks to drive from Pennsylvania to Florida. We like to take our time and stay for awhile at most of our stops. No need to rush; we stop and smell the roses along the way. I don’t know about roses, but we did enjoy the fall scenery during our travels.

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Enjoying Fall in Pennsylvania

Enjoying Fall in Pennsylvania

In the last blog, I had mentioned that Tim and I were tired and wanted to stay in Pennsylvania a bit longer before starting our trek south for the winter. We were fortunate to be able to extend our stay at Thousand Trails Hershey to almost 3 weeks. This campground is very popular in the fall and is fully booked, especially on the weekends. Lucky for us, there were some cancelations so we were initially able to extend our stay to 18 days.

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Busy, Busy, Busy

Busy, Busy, Busy

Wow, I can’t believe our month in Pittsburgh has come to an end. We were so busy that the time just flew by and we didn’t get to see everyone that we wanted too. It felt like we spent most of our time running to appointments: various doctors, tests, dentists, vehicle appointments, insurance broker appointments, and more. Fitting all of it into a month was very stressful. We have learned our lesson that a month just isn’t long enough time.. Next year, we plan to spend 4 months here.

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Mountain Exploration in Vermont and New York - New England Final Chapter

Mountain Exploration in Vermont and New York - New England Final Chapter

We finished our New England trip with a visit to Vermont and the Green Mountains. We stayed in the southeast corner of the state near Brattleboro, VT which sits on a river just across from New Hampshire. Our drive there from Maine was very scenic as we crossed through New Hampshire. Even though we were on a state road, it was a fairly easy drive with the RV. I am always a little nervous when we aren’t on an interstate or US highway with this fifth wheel. It is fairly high at 13 ft 5 in so we worry about overhead clearances. Both the RV GPS and the RV Trip Wizard app mapped us that way so we thought it should be fine and it was.

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Spectacular Acadia National Park - New England part 6

Spectacular Acadia National Park - New England part 6

We left Pumpkin Patch RV Park in Hermon, ME today and I didn’t want to leave. It is a lovely park and we enjoyed just hanging out at the campground. Sometimes you arrive at a park and a feeling of contentment comes over you. This place is like that. It is very clean, quiet, and peaceful. The staff and seasonal campers take pride in the park and it show with how they take care of it. They water and weed the flowers daily and the lawn is mowed frequently.

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Maine Delights - Beaches and Lighthouses - New England Part 5

Maine Delights - Beaches and Lighthouses - New England Part 5

Maine is definitely delightful and the weather has been great although a little hot. We can’t complain since much of the country is much warmer. I didn’t expect 90 degree weather in Maine but it isn’t bad when you are near beaches, quaint beach towns and have access to a very nice pool. We have been enjoying morning drives to various beach towns, coastlines, beaches, lighthouses, and seafood restaurants; then we hang out at the campground and relax at the pool when we can. Definitely a great place to stay for 2 weeks.

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Beautiful New Hampshire, From the Sea to the Mountains - New England part 4

Beautiful New Hampshire, From the Sea to the Mountains - New England part 4

We spent 5 days touring New Hampshire and I wish we had more time there. What a beautiful state! Tim and I both love the mountains and New Hampshire definitely delivered. What surprised me was the sea coast there. It isn’t a long coastline but it was stunning! I didn’t expect to see rocky beaches until Maine so this was a wonderful surprise.

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Celebrating Independence - New England part 3

Celebrating Independence - New England part 3

What is best way to celebrate the 4th of July? Walk the Freedom Trail in Boston of course. Anyway, that was my thought since we were staying near Boston. The only issue was that Boston was having its first big Independence Day celebration since the pandemic so large crowds were expected. I didn’t want to deal with that many people, especially trying to park our large truck in the city that weekend. I am sure that most of you know by now that Tim isn’t to excited about visiting cities and he really likes to avoid crowds, so he didn’t have any desire to visit Boston. I didn’t want to mis all of the historical sites, so I wanted to find a good time to go into the city.

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Visiting Rhode Island, New England part 2

Visiting Rhode Island, New England part 2

Since we only had a day to visit Rhode Island, it was challenging to pick the best thing to do. My sister told me about the mansions and Cliff Walk in Newport, RI which sounded perfect to me. What could be better than walking along rocky beaches near gorgeous mansions. Since Jessica was meeting us there, we decided to park at The Breakers since they have a decent size parking lot which makes it easier with the truck

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Traveling Through New England, Part 1

Traveling Through New England, Part 1

We left Pennsylvania on a cloudy day and headed northeast hoping that we would not have too much rain for the drive. Luckily the rain held off until we arrived at our first stop in Connecticut. We only planned for a one night stop at Lake Compounce Campground in Bristol, CT. While this campground is connected to an Amusement and Water Park, I didn’t chose it for that reason. Lake Compounce is not too far off of the interstate and about halfway between Timothy Lake South Thousand Trails in the Poconos and Gateway to Cape Cod Thousand Trails in Massachusetts.

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Visiting the Poconos

Visiting the Poconos

The last two years, we spent most of the summer in the Pittsburgh, PA area to see our family and friends as well as get in all of our annual doctor’s visits. This year, we planned a 2 1/2 month trip through New England during the summer. As the cost of fuel increased, we debated on changing our plans and staying in Pittsburgh. Our travel plans have been interrupted in past 2 years due to Covid and other obligations so we were torn about changing plans again. Even though it is costing us more for fuel, we decided to go ahead with our trip. We chose this lifestyle to travel and see the USA so we had to keep traveling. The one change we made was to leave the Mustang behind at Tim’s mom’s house. At least we only have to buy fuel for one vehicle.

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Passing Through PA With a Side Trip to Maryland

Passing Through PA With a Side Trip to Maryland

We spent the last month visiting our hometown, Pittsburgh, PA and enjoying our family and friends. We stayed at Mountain Top Campground again. It has become our home park while we are back in the Pittsburgh area. The location works out well for us; somewhat central to where our various family lives. One benefit to this campground are the gorgeous sunsets over the rolling hills.

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Visiting Hershey, PA

Visiting Hershey, PA

When I planned our spring travel north, I decided to save money by staying at as many Thousand Trails Campgrounds that we could. Since we had never been to any of the parks in Pennsylvania, it was an easy decision to try one out for three weeks before heading to the Pittsburgh area. The reviews of most of the parks in Central PA were pretty good and it seemed that the Hershey Thousand Trails was a favorite of many so we picked that one. It turned out to be a great choice.

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